My Road Trip With God

I’ve been on LOTS of road trips. Most of them consisted of my husband driving while I turned around in my seat every 5 minutes to feed, calm, or discipline one of our 5 children in the back.  If you had kids in the “pre-electronics in every lap era” I know you can relate. You can probably still relate even now.

I do have a solution to the exhausting road trip roller coaster. Just leave the fam behind. Have you ever taken a road trip by yourself? 

How about with God?

I’ll have to explain that one.

Three years ago I was driving 6 hours home from a girls trip by myself.  HEAVEN. Not because God was on my road trip, though I guess that applies. Driving without a car full of kids was HEAVEN. Why had I always been afraid to do this?

It was a Sunday so I wanted to keep the drive as sabbath-like as possible. I listened to a few conference talks along with some inspiring music. About an hour in, I realized that without all the typical noise and distraction I could turn my car into a prayer zone.

I had never done something like this before. Yeah, I had said little prayers as I was going about my day, but this was gonna big a big prayer. I hoped it was ok to pray with my eyes open because I kinda needed to look at the road.

Usually I prayed in formal tones and with reverent words imagining God somewhere up in Heaven catching word of my prayer among billions of more important prayers. Often in the middle of trying to make sure I was being respectful and worshipful I would have a hard time honestly and completely expressing myself. I wanted this prayer to be different.

I spoke up and invited God to buckle up in my passenger seat, though I guess He didn’t really need to buckle. I would pretend He was right there next to me; and I would pour out my soul. And pour I did. 

I was feeling pretty directionless at the time. My life was in transition and I had no idea what my normal was. I felt emptiness and I knew I need to figure out what could fill it. Maybe 5 hours of praying would help. 

I laid it all out. Every thought, emotion, gratitude, need that came to my mind.  God must have been focused on just listening because I wasn’t getting a lot of response. I decided to get brave. I would ask the question I only have had the courage to ask a few times in my life. 

Lord, what do you need of me?  What lack I yet?

Isn’t it so much easier to just tell the Lord what you need rather than the other way around? Why? Because when you ask what He needs of you, you are GOING to get an answer and you had better be ready to act whether you like the answer or not. 

Well, I got an answer.

I got a head to toe answer. 

The answer that, as it comes into your mind,  pulses through your body from the top of your head all the way to your toes. Ever had one of those?  Until that moment I never had. I guess God wanted to make a point. 

It wasn’t an answer I was at all expecting but it is what has led me here, typing this to you today. 

“Share other women’s stories.” Those were the lightening strike words, and with those words came understanding that I would share those stories on a blog. Stories of goodness. Stories of faith. Stories and insights to strengthen, inspire, and bring power into people’s lives.  Along with that inspiration the words, “all that is good” and “every good thing” kept coming to my mind.

That prayer forever changed the way I pray. I was bummed it was time to say amen when I pulled up to my house hours later. Partly because I didn’t want to leave the bubble of peace in my car and partly because I knew I was going to have take action on the answer I got.

Did I immediately start a blog?  Nope. I guess the Lord should have sent a stronger shock through my body.  Instead I did what every “faithful” daughter does; I questioned. Did I have to do this blog thing?  Wasn’t blogging totally yesterday?  Weren’t there already plenty of bloggers? I was embarrassed to even tell anyone what God had asked me to do because it sounded so cliche’.   

I continued to contemplate things.  I decided I would do some research and start my blog in 3 months, at the new year.  As the start date approached I needed some encouragement.

I didn’t want to be completely faithless but I wanted another confirmation. Lightning wasn’t enough.  I got on my knees, apologized, and asked God if He was REALLY, REALLY, SUPER SURE  He wanted me to do this. I grabbed my Book of Mormon and just opened it hoping there would be an answer there. 

Moroni 7.  I landed on a pretty great chapter. It would be a good read, but I didn’t immediately see an answer. Oh well, may as well keep reading. 

Then I came to verse 19 of Moroni 7.  Lots of words, but the ones that were knowingly smirking at me as they leaned back on the page, “every good thing.”  The exact same words that kept running through my mind the day I took that road trip with God. 

Fun fact: Did you know that the phrase “every good thing” appears only six times in the Book of Mormon?  Did you know that ALL six are in Moroni 7? 

I guess I needed to read it six times to process what just happened. By the final “every good thing” I realized I was sitting with my jaw hanging open. I guess I had my answer.  Blogging it is.

Exciting New Happenings!

It sure has been a journey. Doubt, courage, fear, prayers, tears, inspiration, overwhelm, joy.  I’ve felt all the things. I don’t know if blogging was more for me or for you because I have learned more and come closer to my Heavenly Father than ever before. And that likely does sound cliche’ but, oh well, because it is absolutely true. 

Truthfully, I don’t want to continue blogging if I’m the only one being blessed by it.  In my last newsletter I told you there would be some new happenings. I didn’t tell you what, but I did say it is time to create some miracles. 


Can I be honest with you?  I had no idea what those new happenings and miracles would be. I’ve just felt this push that God needs us to be miracle minded. I wrote it and hoped God would inspire me before I had to write you another email or blog post. 

Luckily, He has. It’s small and simple, ‘cause that’s how He works to “bring to pass great things.”

First, I’ll tell you what I feel strongly. 

  • The Lord is calling people to do His work. I know that just like the Lord has called me, He has called or is calling you. No, you don’t have to start a blog, but we all have miracles to create in our circle of influence. 
  • I know we can have many revelations daily as we seek to know our purpose and calling. 
  • I know with that calling we aren’t without help. We are  “armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.” 1 Nephi 14:14
  • I know if we feel weak we will be made strong. If we take the small faithful steps to progress in our journey, our hearts will be changed and we will be refined. 
  • I know there is goodness, mercies and miracles to be had in your life, in my life. They are needed in this world more than ever.  We have been promised that, “Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you.” Moroni 7:26. We need to seek to be miracle minded and start asking. 

What you can expect at Left With a Smile

My hope is that every time you come to Left With a Smile you leave feeling more confident.  Confident in accessing that change, revelation, power, and miracle(s) you are needing to fulfill your purpose. Here is what I offer to help…

Watch and Listen!

I know it is easier to watch and listen to a little inspiration sometimes. If that’s your groove be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram and Facebook. You may have noticed videos popping up there already. I’ll be sharing some of the same stories you’ll find here on video for you!

Every Good Thing

As something new you will find “every good thing” resources in newsletters, by following me on social media, and right here on the blog. Podcasts, books, thoughts, news, blogs, videos that will inspire faith and goodness. Share your #everygoodthingsmile with me too and I can pass it on!

Share Your Light Daily

I made ONE resolution this year and it is to intentionally share a bit of my light every. single. day. in small and simple ways. SO I invite you to continue to “Light The World” with me if you like!

It is time for December to share the love with the other 11 months of the year don’t you think? Just #ShareYourLightDaily through kindness, testimony, and service. OR share the moments YOU are #LeftWithaSmile.

Share Your Story

I offer you a platform here to share your stories of faith.  What a pity it would be if we only shared faith building experiences in the short reach of our homes! And hey, you don’t even have to start a blog. Unless God tells you to of course. ;). As always, I will post stories of mercies, goodness, and miracles to inspire your faith.

As always thank you for sharing!


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4 thoughts on “My Road Trip With God”

  1. This sounds exciting, Amber! I am inspired by your faithfulness and these stories and look forward to more (even working up the courage to be a contributor someday). Thank youfor what you do!

    1. Work up that courage!!! I can’t wait to read what you have to share. You are an incredible woman of amazing depth. I have a feeling you have some gems to share!

  2. It’s been fun seeing you start this and continue this. I always enjoy your posts and they are more meaningful because I know you.

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