What would it have been like to be the Mother of the Savior of the world?

What would it have been like to be the Mother of the Savior of the world? Have you ever pondered that question? Imagined yourself in her blessed shoes? I have, and It taught me something I will never forget.

It had been A DAY. I was getting down on the floor with my 7 months pregnant belly to clean the mess left behind by my “terrible two” year old son. He and his sister were finally sound asleep and I was wishing for some sound sleep myself. Just hours before, my son had completed his tradition of grabbing his bowl and flinging it across the room to make sure I knew just how much disliked what I gave him to eat. 

As I cleaned the floor I saw the evidence of the 3 meals he protested against that day, along with remnants of what I had missed the week before. Dried spaghetti sauce on the base board with splatters up the wall that strangely resembled Bob Marley.  A cheerio that refused to move from its residence. Who knew that cheerios plus milk could create such a powerful glue when dried?  Someone has really got to capitalize on that info. Then again, cheerio glue would be even more tempting to eat than the glue stick my son had devoured like a push pop. 

I looked at the linoleum floor and was grateful we didn’t have the money to put in tile yet because I couldn’t imagine trying to get this mess out of the narrow lines of grout. As I got up from the floor I saw a rouge piece of spaghetti clinging to the side of the dining chair as if it was trying to make its escape. I decided to let it go because I was sure more food needing to be cleaned off chairs would be joining in the next morning.  

I flicked off the lights and let the room glow with the white light from our bargain Christmas tree. This was the most peaceful time of the day.  I touched the seat of the blue rocker recliner to make sure the milk that had dripped from the “spill-proof” sippy cup had dried before I sat down.  I laid my head back and placed my hands on my round belly as my entire body cheered in approval.  My baby boy growing inside me seemed to settle into me as I settled into the chair.  

I let my vision go blurry as I gazed at the Christmas tree and listened to the hum of the refrigerator. Sigh. I needed to do better. I had lost my temper one too many times that day, one to many times that week, that month! My son was especially giving me abundant opportunities to resist coming apart at the seems. Too bad I wasn’t taking those opportunities. 

With Christmas days away and a baby 2 months away my thoughts went to Mary.  What would it have been like to know that in your care was the Son of God?   Did she ever loose her temper? Of course, she literally had the “perfect” child so maybe she never had opportunities like myself. I bet He never threw His food.

But really, what kind of mother would I be if I knew I was raising the Savior of the world?  I couldn’t even fathom the responsibility.  I went down the list of the kind of mother I would have to be as I visualized holding the Christ child in my arms. 

  • I would have to be so prayerful in how to raise this child.
  • I would speak gently.
  • Diligent, vigilant, and cognizant in my parenting.
  • I would have to be ever so aware of the example I was setting. 
  • But especially, oh how I would love, honor, and cherish this child.   What a gift!

Then the words came into my mind, cutting off my list and my breath.

“It shouldn’t be any different with your own child.”

My eyes came back into focus and the lights on the trees were now blurred because of the tears in my eyes. This love and holy adoration I held for my Savior. This is how He loved my son. This is how  wanted me to love my son. Just as I would have loved and treated Him had I been His mother.

I walked up the stairs and slowly opened the bedroom door. I tiptoed to the crib. There was my child.  I smiled as he sweetly slept, oblivious to the little bit of snot dried across his rosy cheeks. He was the same child I laid in bed an hour ago but something was different.  Who was this spirit son of God I had been entrusted with?   What great responsibility I had to love and care for this special child. I was grateful for the gift of a little more love and patience after that night.

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Matthew 25:40 KJV

Does that scripture leave any doubt?  The love we have for our Savior is manifest in the love we show not only to our own children, but to anyone we meet.   I’ve tried to remember that lesson every Christmas since and throughout the year. 

As you are in the Savior’s care, He is in your care. Who in your life will you love just as you would have loved the Savior had He been your child?

Merry Christmas! Thank you for sharing!


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2 thoughts on “What would it have been like to be the Mother of the Savior of the world?”

  1. Amber,
    Thank you so much for this wonderful story! I think you should give this story to all pregnant women and new moms. ????????

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